Makes You Think

Keeping Children and Young People Safe

A paedophile in my family: Surviving Dad.  Channel 4

A successful businesswoman and mum confronts a childhood of repeated sexual abuse by her dad in this emotional depiction of the power of speaking up.

At the end of the programme the woman states,

“I really hope if anyone can take anything away from my experience, it’s to find the confidence to have those difficult conversations. By not speaking up the only thing you’re protecting people from is the truth and if we want to stop the pain of abuse continuing, we first need to see what’s really going on and then we need to talk about it”.

Undercover Police: Hunting Paedophiles – BBC TV series

“On the dark web you come across a lot of people who give out no information, they can’t be identified, they take every precaution going, they also won’t set foot outside their own front door, they won’t look to contact offend. The ones that are on Chat Aware Kids (Kids chat room), looking to chat with children, looking to go out and meet them, the fact that they’re not rationally thinking “I could get caught” “How am I going to get caught?”, “How am I not going to get caught?” it’s almost that sexual drive to children outweighs the risk of getting caught. They are the ones that are more readily going to commit offences”.

– Police Officer, Graham Marshall.

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